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AIFD Newsletter
March 3, 2023

Friday, 7-9:45
Hancock Rec Center
811 E. 41st Street
$5 (18+)

Lisa Horn DielmanBill Brock Lisa Horn Dielman will DJ this Friday. She will be assisted by Bill Brock.

Kathleen McDonagh Teaching: This week we fulfill more of your teaching requests. Come and enjoy Kathleen McDonagh teaching us two long-time favorites -- Ratevka (from Macedonia) and Indijski Cocek (from Serbia)!

Link of the week:
Atanas Kolarovski presents Marino in Japan 1984.

Check out AIFD's

The sign was approved by Hancock Rec Center and the AIFD Board. The board then purchased it. It will be placed on 41st St, at the beginning of the HRC driveway.
AIFD Board Meeting:
AIFD Board Oct 2022AIFD will have a board meeting on Tuesday, March 7. Please contact AIFD President, Bill Brock (president@aifd.cc), with concerns or questions.

San Antonio Folklife and Dance Festival
March 24-26: San Antonio Folklife and Dance Festival!
Registration is open!!!
This year's teachers: Ventzi Sotirov (Bulgarian), Fusae Carroll (Macedonian), Andy Taylor-Blenis (international), Seneca Patino (Samba).

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Austin PARDAustin-Travis County’s COVID-19 Community Level is currently low:

"For those not at risk who are fully vaccinated: Masking optional when gathering, dining and shopping. Mask when social distancing is not possible."

AIFD strongly encourages masking at its events.
If you would like to be removed from our newsletter distribution, please notify us at newsletter_editor@aifd.cc or click here.