
AIFD Newsletter
June 24, 2022
Homegrown International Plays!!!

This Friday, June 24, 7:00-9:45, join AIFD for a fun evening of international folk dancing at HRC. $5 at the door (18 and up).

Mike ReveszKathleen McDonaghProgramming: Our DJ this week will be Mike Revesz. Mike will be assted by Kathleen McDonagh.

Misi TsurikovTeaching: We continue Summer School 2022: Back To Dancing! Come at 7 pm to enjoy walkthroughs or reteaching of our most-favorite dances. Think of it as refreshing your in-person muscle memory! Need a refresher of what we've covered? Visit this link to see the list of dances and, whenever available, words and video reminders.


Please come this Friday to enjoy Homegrown International Band. They will be playing two sets, including a contra that will be called by Kathleen McDonagh. Their first set will begin at 8 PM.

Homegrown International began as Homegrown Contra Band many years ago. The band played for the contra session at Texas Camp and for various contra events around Austin. As the years went by, the band began including tunes from around the world in its sets and has now evolved into a truly international band.

During the pandemic, Homegrown was a real “Garage Band”. For two years, they rehearsed every Sunday, rain or shine, cold or hot, masked and distanced, in the Houston House garage. The neighborhood loved it and enjoyed the music when the garage door was open. After all members were vaccinated, they moved inside and were able to rehearse without mosquitos!

The band is looking forward to everyone dancing to their music.
Please sign in
HRC needs an accurate account of attendance. Please sign in yourself and those accompanying you.

Four Balkan Dancers

Link of the week:
Kriči Kriči Tiček: Croatian circle dance, Pinewoods Dance Camp 2015.

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dance circle

Something to sayHave something you'd like to see in the AIFD newsletter? Do you have an upcoming event you'd like to announce, a poem you'd like to share, a dance experience you think other dancers would enjoy? Feel free to submit it to the AIFD newsletter and we'll make it fit.

Austin PARD
On June 9, 2022, Austin PARD raised mask requirements from "LOW" to "MEDIUM".

Masking - While masking continues to remain optional at Austin PARD facilities, we strongly encourage masking at our events;
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