
AIFD Newsletter
July 15, 2022

This Friday, July 15, 7:00-9:45, join AIFD for a fun evening of international folk dancing at HRC. $5 at the door (18 and up).

Franklin HoustonProgramming: Our DJ this week will be Franklin Houston. Franklin will be assisted by Anne Alexander. Franklin's program will be a montage of French dances to acknowledge the day after Bastille Day (July 14) and also "cool" dances to defy the heat wave we're under right now.

Misi TsurikovTeaching: We continue Summer School 2022: Back To Dancing! Come at 7 pm to enjoy walkthroughs or reteaching of our most-favorite dances. Think of it as refreshing your in-person muscle memory! Need a refresher of what we've covered? Visit this link to see the list of dances and, whenever available, words and video reminders.
Please sign in
HRC needs an accurate account of attendance. Please sign in yourself and those accompanying you.

Link of the week:
Official Ottawa Greek Festival (GreekFest) Flash Mob .

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Austin PARD
PARD mask requirements are currenlty "MEDIUM".

Masking - While masking continues to remain optional at Austin PARD facilities, we strongly encourage masking at our events;
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