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AIFD Newsletter
January 5, 2024

Friday, 7-9:45

Hancock Rec Center
811 E. 41st Street
All are welcome!!!

$5 at the door - 18 and older.
17 and younger free.
Children must be supervised.
New dancers free for their first 4 visits to AIFD.

Anthony TopracDonna BakerThis Friday at AIFD: Enjoy a lively evening of dancing DJ'd by Anthony Toprac. Anthony will be assisted by Donna Baker.

Teaching throughout January:
Stephanie Anderson John Scales Franklin Houston
Join us throughout January for Bakmes and Balkan! Stephanie Anderson and John Scales will guide us over the peaks of Scandinavian dance to help us elevate our partnering skills as we learn Odina Jonsson’s Bakmes. Franklin Houston will lead a magical mystery tour through the enchanted forest of Bulgarian dance rhythms found in Pravo Trakiysko Horo, Kopanica, Krivo Slivniško, Eleno Mome, and Jove Male Mome. Be there and B squared in January!

Thanks to everyone who helped make last week's Masquerade Ball a success!!!
Masquerade Ball 2023.Pictures provide by Misi Tsurikov.
Also check out these videos on Facebook: Band, couple dancing, procession.

Note: If you are not on FB these videos can still be viewed - just click on the 'X' on the "See more on Facebook" prompt.
SAFDF 2024:
Registration is open!!!
San Antonio Folk Dance FestivalMarch 22-24: San Antonio Folklife and Dance Festival! Registration is now open! This year's teachers: Andy Taylor-Blenis (international), Miroslav "Bata" Marcetic (Serbian), Zeljko Jergan (Croatian). Live music from Shirley Johnson and Slavadillo. Complete details at

Kaye Roth:
Kaye RothIt is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Kaye Roth. A memorial service for Kaye will be held on Saturday, January 13th, 2pm, at Covenant Presbyterian Church, 3003 Northland Dr, Austin, TX 78757. The service will be followed by an informal reception on church grounds.

Four Balkan Dancers

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Link of the week:
New Year flashmob 2023, Bangalore.
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