
AIFD Newsletter
February 24, 2017
This Friday at dancing:
Holly DJs, Lila assists.
Holly PlotnerLila LuceJoin us for a lively evening of folk dancing DJ'd by Holly Plotner. Holly will do an SAFDF preview program, including dances from this year's featured teachers Ahmet Luleci and Miroslav Marcetic. Holly will be assisted by Lila Luce.
Teaching: Some of the dances we do have combinations of steps and pauses that are challenging to many dancers. Join Franklin Houston Franklin Houstonat 7PM to unravel the mysteries of fancy footwork and pregnant pauses. The featured teaching will be Eleno Mome*, an extremely popular dance in Bulgaria and among folk dancers in the United States. Later in the evening, Holly Plotner will do a short review of Bourrée Pastourelle, the French set dance that she taught earlier this month.
* Words and translation for Eleno Mome bottom right.

Friday, February 24, 7-9:45 pm.
The admission fee is $5 for those 18 and older.

There is no fee for those under 18,
but they must be supervised by a designated person 18 or older.
Hancock Rec Center (HRC)

AIFD is organized exclusively for educational purposes, including the promotion and teaching of traditional folk dance, music and crafts native to a variety of countries.

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eyes AIFD upcoming events
(See complete list)

Friday, March 10: March Birthdays with La Strada!!!
La StradaCakeEnjoy a lively evening of folk dancing to delightful tunes performed by La Strada! We’ll also celebrate our fellow dancers who have a March birthday or anniversary

Friday, March 17: No Dancing at Hancock.
In support of the 59th annual San Antonio Folk Dance Festival, we will not be meeting at Hancock. Hope to see you at the festival!

Friday, April 7: AIFD's 55th Anniversary Celebration!!!.
SlavadilloIn honor of Austin International Folk Dancers’ fifty-fifth year, we’re throwing a grand party and everyone’s invited—old and new dancers alike! There’ll be food and drink aplenty, special souvenirs for AIFD members, and live music of a folk persuasion performed by none other than Slavadillo!

March 17-19: 2017 San Antonio Folk Dance Festival!!!
San Antonio Folk Dance Festival The 59th annual SAFDF is coming! Featured teachers: Ahmet Lüleci (Turkish dances), Miroslav "Bata" Marcetic (Serbian dances), and Andy Taylor-Blenis (Scottish, international, and children's dances). Registration is now open at Reminder that in support of the festival, AIFD will not meet on Friday, March 17th
Link of the week:
Kalotaszegi Román Invertita és Szapora.

Other dance links
AIFD:(Contact & Board page)
AIFD Code of Conduct.
AIFD upcoming events.
World's words - updated by Misi.
Become a member of AIFD.
Archive of dance notes - compiled by Franklin Houston.
Newsletter archive - since May 19, 2012.
AIFD's live music compensation policy.
AIFD Youtube channel.
AIFD Featured in City of Austin Video about HRC.
Other groups: (complete list)
Austin Friends of Traditional Music
AIFD German Dancers
Austin Scandinavian Dance and Music Jam
Wednesdays, 7:30 - 9:45 pm, Free:
1st Wed: Singing at Stephanie’s house;
2nd Wed: Music Jam, HRC;
4th Wed: Music jam or dance review, HRC;
Last/5th Wed: Dance - often with live music, HRC;
No partners necessary for dance.
3rd Wednesday Balkan Dance
Join 3rd Wednesday Balkan dancing, 7:15-8:45, NW Recreation Center, 2913 Northland Drive. No Charge. Show me the Balkan countries.
Csardas Hungarian Dancers
Mondays, 7-9:45, HRC, backroom, free.
No partner necessary, we rotate often.
English Country Dance
2nd & 4th Saturdays, 7:30-10:15
McPhail Dance Studio, 8018 Mesa Drive.
If you are new to ECD or want to review the basics, please arrive before 7:15 to participate in our newcomers’ session. We are also on Facebook
Texas Folklife
Texas International Folk Dancers
Clickety Cloggers - Austin
Upcoming "Other Dance" features
A list of non-AIFD events you may be interested in:

Wednesday, February 22: Finnskogpols Review and Practice!!
Austin Scandi Dancers7:30 - 9:45 pm, Hancock Recreation Center Back Room. Free. For the 4th Wednesday Scandi dance, Stephanie will lead a review and practice of Finnskogspols, a Texas Camp dance reviewed at AIFD. This is a chance to really ‘get it!’ If you have an additional dance you’d like reviewed, if time and energy allow, let Stephanie know at AIFD or

Four Balkan Dancers

Since I'll be teaching Eleno Mome this coming Friday, I thought it might be interesting to include the lyrics in the newsletter. - Franklin Houston
Eleno Mome
Елено моме, Елено
Елено моме, Елено,
не гази сено зелено
ај не гази сено зелено.

Не гази сено зелено
не гази сено зелено
млади момчиња косеа
тебе те Ленче просеа.

Тебе те Ленче просеа
тебе те Ленче просеа
за едно момче убаво
убаво, ем и богато.
Helen, my Helen,
Helen, my Helen,
Don’t tread on the fresh hay
Hey, don’t tread on the fresh hay.

Don’t tread on the fresh hay
Don’t tread on the fresh hay
The young lads mowed it
And asked you, Helen.

And asked you, Helen
And asked you, Helen
To marry a handsome lad
Not only handsome, but a rich lad.
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