
AIFD Newsletter
December 8, 2012
A special note about last week's celebration:
Heartfelt Thanks to the AIFD Community

Birthday party "Heartfelt thanks go to the AIFD board and the many talented members of our folk dance village for hosting such a fabulous 80th birthday party for Chuck. We also thank the over 100 folk and contra dance friends who came to twirl and step together in a high energy evening filled with joy. Sparkling lights and shiny balloons upped the atmosphere at Hancock. Charismatic teaching, great preplanning, programming, masterful crowd control and fabulous live music made Saturday night a memory to last a lifetime. So many of you joined together to make this celebration possible that we won’t attempt to list everyone here, but know you have truly blessed us and we love you all!"

Kaye and Chuck
This week at dancing
Candle Light Trail!!!

Candle Enjoy Hancock Recreation Center's annual Candle Light Trail. BillDuring this FREE event take a stroll along the candle lined trails of Hancock Recreation Center, then come inside for some drinks and snacks. At 7 Santa will arrive. When he wraps up around 7:45 the Austin International Folk Dancers will lead some dances to Christmas Iola and Hanukkah music. Then we'll start a program catered to the crowd: If there are a bunch of kids, we'll focus on kids dances; if there is an equal number of men and women, we'll focus on simple couples dances. Regardless of who is there, Bill Ogilvie, assisted by Iola Hallock, will ensure a fun evening of dancing.

7:30-10:45 pm (HRC opens at dusk)
Free (usually $5 at the door 17 years & older)
Hancock Rec Center (HRC)

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Be the Tipping Point

Dance five dances in a row.

Read more on how to "Be the Tipping Point"

Upcoming events

NefeshSaturday, December 15th: Come dance to an evening of live music by Nefesh, a vibrant and rootsy Austin group comprised of: Michelle Alany-Violin/Vocals, Shirley Johnson-Accordion-Vocals, Jesse Berkowitz-Guitar, Evan Wanserski-Cello, Benjamin Alany-Percussion.

Michel Saturday, December 29th, A Night in Old Vienna: This memorable evening of folk dancing will include a New Year's celebration based on the traditions of old and present Vienna. Michel is looking for volunteers to help with the setup and teardown, as well as some special events during the evening. Please email Michel at

See our Complete list of upcoming events.
Other dance links
See our complete list
Pictures from AIFD's 50th Anniversary Celebration
"I can't dance" - tips to get you dancing
archive of dance notes - compiled by Franklin Houston.
Newsletter archive - since May 19, 2012
Texas International Folk Dancers
Village International Dancing1st & 3rd Friday, HRC
Austin Scandinavian Dancing Each Wed and 2nd Fri, HRC
5th Friday Multicultural Dance Next event, March 29, 2013
Csardas Hungarian Dancers
Contradance and English Country Dancing (TAADA)
Austin Friends of Traditional Music

This week's "other dance" feature:

Anton Congratulations to Sharon Casteel and Martin Blaha on the birth of their son, Anton on Wednesday afternoon at 2:22. Sharon reported on Facebook: 'Left work at 11am thinking "are these real contractions?" 2:22: yep'. Anton comes in at 6 lbs 3 oz / 2.86 kg; 19 inches / 48 cm.

If you play folk dance music and are not on our list of Musicians/Musical groups, please send your information to
Lost and found Lost and found: A couple of items left at last week's party are in the lost and found pile at Hancock, including a duffel bag with clothes, mouthwash, and other items; a small sound recording device. - John Scales.
Chuck's Birthday Party ROCKED!
- Misi Tsurikov

"Chuck's 80th birthday party was a tremendous success!!! My jaw dropped to the floor when I saw the number of people (over 100!) that filled Hancock to wishChuck Roth Chuck well on this special occasion. In my 15 years with AIFD, I've seen Hancock that full only once before -- and that was at AIFD's 50th anniversary. There was sometimes not enough room for dancers -- and there's a good-to-have problem! The energy was through the roof, fueled by enthusiastic teaching by Kathleen, the fabulous music of the Homegrown Contra Band, the great contras called by the illustrious Marc Airhart, and the always-beautiful sound of the very large international live-music ensemble. I was also thrilled to see a veritable army of volunteers show up to set up and decorate, and the pit-crew-like speed and efficiency of this army. There was lots of warmth, cheer, and wholesomeness in the air that night. I believe we accomplished the goal of making this a special and heartwarming day for Chuck and all our friends. And I personally thank the board for the obviously-excellent planning, publicity, and execution of this event. Masterfully done!"
(See some of the great pictures Misi took of this wonderful event.)

TIFD newsletter: TIFD is always looking for news about folk dance events around the state. Have you recently had a fabulous time at an AIFD event? If you are inspired to share your experience? Feel free to write a short story, poem or event write up and send it to

Link of the week: In 2009 Nefesh B'Nefesh brought over 150 participants together on Ben Yehuda Street for the first ever Jerusalem flash mob in honor of Hanukkah. Happy Hanukkah!!!
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